Lane Cove Literary Awards 2021

Impatience, my husband tells me, is one of my worst faults. Unfortunately for him, I’ve had to wait close to a month to share the news that I won First Prize in the Lane Cove Literary Award for memoir.

Hearing of the news was cliche. Yes, I went weak at the knees, my head swam, and my mouth disconnected from my brain. I barely recall saying ‘now I’ll need to have a lie-down!’ To which the response was ‘more like a glass of champagne to celebrate.’ Of course, that’s what I meant.

To be acknowledged by experienced readers and writers as the best is an honour and a responsibility. Now when I write, not only must I consider the content, the words I choose and the ideology I’m projecting, but also the audience.

A glass of champagne will be had, again. With each tiny bubble, those concerns disperse into the ether. And then, I’ll move on to the next project and wait with bated breath for recognition.

Thank you, Lane Cove Library, for holding the Literary Award. I’ve entered works on several occasions and knowing my work will be read improves my writing every time. For those of you who are on the writing journey—which never ceases—discovering your style, your niche, yourself, don’t give up. The only thing that improves your writing is to write (and read) a lot.

Congratulations to my fellow winners, who I’m sure, are also enjoying a celebratory drink


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